Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Articles of Impeachment brought against U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder
& Judge Sarah Evans Barker & other corrupt Judges


When a resolution of Article of Impeachment is introduced in the House of Representatives a special committee shall ( meaning must ) immediately be created for the sole purpose of investigation & consideration of the Article of Impeachment with the same powers as any standing committee of the Legislature. As my Representative of the House, Congressman Larry Bucshon is petitioned to immediately take these Articles of Impeachment to the Floor to formally accuse these officials of a crime related to official duties this 5th, Day of January, 2011. The motion to impeach needs 2/3 vote for a major offense. The resolution of Article of impeachment is written by Jesha Miller, the constituent of Larry Bucshon.

In consideration the committee must report that these officials are charged with Political & Judicial corruption because it is directly related to their duties required by the Constitution, aiding & abetting other officials from justice for crimes committed to Title 18, sec. 242, 243, & 245. That the Judges & Indiana Attorney General were given opportunity to withdraw from the crime but continued to be a part which justifies impeachment.
Considered is the fact that these offenses are detriment to the Integrity of the entire Judicial Branch of government & officials must be impeached to guarantee those rights government must protect under the Bill of Rights.
A government cover-up to prevent the operation of the Constitutions Checks & Balances intended to prevent abuse of power, protect the rights of the citizens, & hold those in violation of those rights accountable for their actions is what I've encountered, but the Checks & Balances were intended by the Framers of the Constitution to prevent abuse of power & protect the rights of "we the people". Watergate was the last time the checks & balances were used in this capacity.

Federal Judge, Sarah Evans Barker is accused of violating my rights under color of law, aiding Judge David Kiely from Justice, & was given 3 chances to withdraw by indicting & arresting Judge David Kiely for violating Title 18, sec. 243 which is the exclusion of jurors on account of race, under the equal protection clause. You will find three (3) motions giving Judge Barker opportunity to withdraw from the crime but she refused & aided him again by dismissing case No. 3:10-cv-00051-SEB-WGH as frivolous so that he would not face Civil charges. This separates me from the unalienable right "all men are created equal" which is guaranteed by the 6th, Amendment right to a fair trial, violating my rights under color of law. Because she refused to withdraw & this is directly related to her duty impeachment must be imposed to rid the system of corrupt officials in the interest of freedom & justice for all, as required by the Constitution of the U.S. You can find this on blog on line at
Judge Sarah Evans Barker denied plaintiff's motion to enforce the Rule of Law & Indict & Arrest the Defendants under Title 18 Sec. 242, 243, & 245
filed May 6, 2010 in an E N T R Y on 05/27/2010 citing that the action was dismissed on May 13, 2010. Clearly May 6th, comes before May 13, 2010
so Judge Barker should have carried out the prosecution which she refused to do. [ I, Jesha Miller, nor representatives for the defendants received any entry of final judgment on May 13th, 2010 to my knowledge.] Investigators
should find out if this went out to the defendants attorney's & if not cite Judge Barker for perpetrating a fraud, in addition to aiding & abetting a criminal from justice & denying rights under color of law.

Filed April 29, 2010-- Plaintiff Granted to Proceed in for ma Pauper-is does so by demanding Court issue indictment & arrest for all plaintiffs given legal waning denying rights under color of law.
Plaintiff's power is by the Constitutions checks & balances.
Filed May 6, 2010 -- Carry Out Prosecution
ENTRY -- Action dismissed May 13, 2010. Denied Plaintiff's motion to enforce the rule of law.
Filed May 20, 2010-- Motion for Court to Enforce the Rule of law.
Indict & Arrest under Title 18, Sec. 242, 243, & 245.
Filed July 30, 2010-- Legal Warning- Violating Rights Under Color of Law
Filed June 23,2010-- II. Judge Sarah Evans Barker is given until June 30, 2010 to withdraw from violating my rights under color of law or be charged for violating Title 18, sec. 242. *
Filed June 4,2010-- Judge Sarah Evans Barker denied Rights under Color of Law. Subjects herself to criminal charges. **
Filed Nov. 30, 2010-- Last chance for Judge Sarah Evans Barker to stop denying Rights under Color of Law, refusing to enforce Title 18, sec. 243 & indict & arrest Judge David Kiely. You may withdraw by reinstating this case which you dismissed as frivolous, indicting & arresting Judge Kiley or face impeachment. The guaranteed right to a fair trial is certainly not frivolous when it an unalienable right that government must protect. ***
U.S,. District Court Southern District Of Indiana

18 U.S.C. sec. 242 provides that whoever, under color of law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States ...shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

Judge David Kiely is the principle & must be impeached & charged with the crime pursuant to Title 18, sec. 243 which is proven to be fact by the trial transcripts where he denies due process as mandated by the 14th, Amendment, State & Federal Constitutions. The Statutory prohibition on discrimination in the selection of jurors, 18 U.S.C. sec. 243, enacted pursuant to the 14th Amendments enabling clause, Makes race neutrality in jury selection a visible, and inevitable, measure of the judicial systems own commitment to the demands of the Constitution. The Courts are under an affirmative duty to enforce the strong statutory & Constitutional policies embodied in that prohibition. Peters v. Kiff, 92 S.Ct. 2170-2171.
Filed February 12, 2010-- Violation Warning- Denial of Rights under Color of law. Vanderburgh Superior Court. David Kiely.

In support of the indictment of Judge David Kiely are the transcripts showing he willfully denied the unalienable right to a fair trial by the exclusion of my own race & did not have a cross section of the community as required by Federal Law. Here he fails to perform his Constitutional DUTY-- recognized by sec. 4 of the Civil Rights Act of March 1, 1875.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder must be impeached, whose job it is In matters of exceptional gravity or importance the Attorney General appears in person before the Supreme Court. Since the 1870 Act that established the Department of Justice as an executive department of the government of the United States, the Attorney General has guided the world's largest law office and the central agency for enforcement of federal laws. There is a petition requiring U.S. Attorney General to enforce federal law, which he failed to do & also in the matter of exceptional gravity due to corruption in the U.S. Supreme Court abusing its power by the denial of my Habeas Corpus, a power denied government under Article I, sec. 9, & failing to protect my right to freedom as intended by the framers of our Constitution. The 1st intent is to protect our right to freedom. 2nd, to prevent abuse of power, & 3rd protect the rights of the accused in criminal proceedings. This is not only in the Court but also blog on the inter-net at
He refused to appear before the President Obama & the U.S. Supreme Court as petitioned when there is corruption in the highest Court in the land.
The Attorney general is subject to IMPEACHMENT by the House of representatives & trial in the Senate for treason, bribery, & other high crimes & misdemeanors. In this case he fails to enforce federal law as a duty directly related to his job which aids & abets a criminal from justice.

Petitioned September 2, 2009-- U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder petitioned Due to Corruption in U.S. Supreme Court. On Blog by going to
Filed Jul 6, 2010-- Motion for U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to Indict
Judge Sarah Evans Barker pursuant to Title 18, sec. 242.
Filed July 9, 2010-- Motion for U.S. Attorney General -- Eric Holder to stop Oppression by Advancing Money.
U.S. District Court Southern District of Indiana

The Public Integrity Section, headed by Raymond Hulser was also petitioned by mail to enforce federal law which they also failed to do & he must be impeached from office also.
The Public Integrity Section (PIN) oversees the federal effort to combat corruption through the prosecution of elected and appointed public officials at all levels of government. The Section has exclusive jurisdiction over allegations of criminal misconduct on the part of federal judges and also supervises the nationwide investigation and prosecution of election crimes.
When they fail to combat corruption then there is no integrity & those official in charge must be held responsible & impeached from office. Combine this with the Attorney General & the concern to uphold the integrity is from the top to the bottom. The crime, 18 U.S.C. is against the peace & dignity of the United States violating the 13th, & 14th, Amendments as Slavery has been abolished & is at war with Democracy in that our Constitution guarantees the right to freedom & justice. For these reasons alone the officials formerly accused must face a vote for their impeachment & then criminal charges.

Delivery Confirmation # 0309 1830 0001 0212 4275 to Public Integrity Sec.

A third illustration is that the Indiana Attorney Generals Office represented by Attorney Betsy Isenberg represented Judge David Kiely in the Civil Suit when it is their duty to protect the rights of its citizens. They were then petitioned to withdraw & indict Judge David Kiely which they failed to do also. So that the Indiana Attorney General fully knew the actions of those working for him he was sent a motion to take account himself or face impeachment so he also must face impeachment for failing in his duty to aid Judge David Kiely from justice. [ Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller ] Messages were left for Donald Banta of the I.A.G. office but has also failed to respond.

Filed June 23,2010-- Indiana Attorney General represented by Betsy Isenberg Petitioned to Indict Judge David Kiely.
Filed Nov. 30, 2010-- Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller
U.S. District Court Southern District of Indiana

Adding insult to injury the Vanderburgh County Child Support office threatens to, for the second time, make Jesha Miller a Political Prisoner. Because they are in full knowledge that Jesha Miller has been paying not only his child support, but an EXTRA $25.00 for arrears that happened while I was illegally imprisoned for the past 4 years the ulterior motive has to be to make me, Jesha Miller a Political Prisoner to silence me to keep from exposing corruption throughout the Judicial Branch of government. Those officials are Judge R. Allen Ferguson & Deputy prosecutor M.F. Keppler. This abuse of power threatening the right to freedom, aiding & abetting officials from justice to prevent the operation of the Constitutions Checks & Balances which prevents abuse of power & holds officials accountable for their actions are grounds for impeachment & criminal charges. To further oppress me another $20.00 was taken from my unemployment benefits without going to Court which is scheduled February 7, 2011. An investigation of the Court records will affirm I informed the Court I was paying & that they were in full knowledge of the checks & balances petitioned due to corruption throughout the Judicial Branch.

If not shocked by these top officials involved in political & Judicial corruption because it is directly related to their duty then consider the new Speaker of the House, John Boehner, who was petitioned Bipartisanship to obey the Constitutions Checks & Balances but refused to obey the law. This is on Blog by going to It was sent to each officials office by email, mail, or fax, including President Obama.

EMERGENCY PETITION-- Petition for President Barack Obama to Execute his # 1 Duty of enforcing Federal Law. Article II, Sec. 3 of our Constitution.
November 24, 2010.

This petition of Articles of Impeachment will also be sent to the new Speaker of the House, John Boehner & should this take another official to bring this to the floor other than him or my House Representative then even he should be part of those to be impeached for refusing to Honor the checks & balances in a Bipartisanship petition because all officials must obey the Constitution of the United States.

The Supremacy Clause is a clause in the United States Constitution, Article VI, Clause 2. This clause asserts and establishes the Constitution, the federal laws made in pursuance of the Constitution, and treaties made by the United States with foreign nations as "the Supreme Law of the Land" (using modern capitalization). The text of Article VI, Clause 2, establishes these as the highest form of law in the American legal system, both in the Federal courts and in all of the State courts, mandating that all state judges shall uphold them, even if there are state laws or state constitutions that conflict with the powers of the Federal government. (Note that the word "shall" is used here and in the language of the law, which makes it a necessity. )

Although the actions to cover-up the crime by Judge David Kiely have been taken to save the dignity of the Judicial Branch, those actions are corrupt because they are directly related to each officials duty. Say this allegiance; I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands; one Nation under God, indivisible, WITH LIBERTY & JUSTICE FOR ALL. When the entire
Judicial Branch is corrupt then you have no right to enforce the law when you yourself violate the law with no one to hold you accountable because you refuse to Honor the Checks & Balances which is the law.

Because there is corruption in the Highest Court, there is the need for the checks & balances to be used, an unprecedented event in America's history. Because officials have abused their power, they must be investigated & impeached as necessary to uphold the integrity of our Constitution. These rights denied by officials are those guaranteed by the Bill of Rights which government must protect, yet have failed to do & must be corrected & guaranteed by the first Amendment right to redress government. This means to correct, which government has failed to do which brings us to the impeachment of those officials involved in the government corruption who also were given chance to withdraw from being a part of the crime & refused. This was petitioned to be President Barack Obama's first order of business & you will see he has remained silent in the midst of all this corruption refusing to execute his # 1 duty & enforce Federal Law. This does not mean that he actually enforces the law, but what it does mean is that he see that the law is enforced which even he has not done that.
These is evidence this was mailed to his office & by email & is also on blog
by going to With a corrupt
Supreme Court t6here is no longer an Avenue to Justice because we depend on those Justices not to be corrupt. Therefore the appeal Process does not work & reason to impeach all officials involved immediately to uphold the integrity of the Judicial Branch of government.

Government corruption cannot exist without the assistance of the media
to hide government corruption. USA Today was petitioned to publish my story on government corruption but have refused so that the corrupt officials are not held accountable & to prevent the checks & balances are not carried out as intended to prevent abuse of power & protect the rights of "we the people". One very important part of the system of checks & balances is the power of any citizen to challenge any law that they feel is unfair. This is on blog at

Filed 7-30-2010 ---USA Today to Expose Government Corruption.
18 USC sec. 245 provided that Whoever, whether or not acting under color of law, intimidates or interferes with any person from participating in or enjoying any benefit, service, privilege, program, facility, or activity provided or administered by the United States; [or] applying for or enjoying, or any perquisite thereof, by any agency of the United States; shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
All defendants of the media were given legal warning & opportunity to withdraw by publishing the story about government corruption but refused to expose the corruption to the public by publication.

Evidence for Special Committee to recommend Impeachment

Attached are the trial transcript pages proving Judge David Kiely violated
Title 18, sec. 243 which is the exclusion of jurors on account of race. The STATUTE is to deter officials from violating the rights of the citizens by subjecting them to criminal charges & because Judge Kiely refused to turn himself in after being given warning so he must be impeached from office because the crime is against the peace & dignity of the U.S. & is at war with Democracy violating the 13th,Amendment abolishing Slavery & violating the 14mend-ments due process procedure. This is directly related to his duty so that it is Judicial corruption. Here he fails his duty--recognized by sec. 4 of the Civil Rights Act of March 1, 1875... and fully established since the decision in 1881 of Neal v. Delaware...not to pursue a course of conduct in the administration of their office which would operate to DISCRIMINATE in the selection of jurors on racial grounds.

Attached are the motions for Federal Judge Sarah Evans Barker to enforce the rule of law & indict & arrest those defendants given warning of violating my Rights under Color Of Law including Judge David Kiely of which she made up
reasons so as to aid Judge Kiely from justice for violating Title 18 sec. 243. Also she separates me from the unalienable right "all men are created equal" which is
guaranteed by the 6th, Amendment right to a fair trial. The STATUTORY PROHIBITION on discrimination in the selection of jurors 18 U.S.C. sec. 243 enacted pursuant to the 14th, Amendments enabling clause, makes race neutrality in jury selection a visible & inevitable measure of the judicial systems own commitment to the demands of the Constitution. The Courts are under an affirmative DUTY to enforce the strong STATUTORY & Constitutional policies embodied in that prohibition. Judge Sarah Evans Barker refused to enforce the rule of law, preferring to aid Judge Kiely from justice & must be impeached for not only that, but preventing the operation of the Constitutions checks & balances which would also prove Judicial Corruption throughout the Judicial Branch of government.
Closer look at the STATUTE, sec. 243 was intended to serve two (2) purposes:
first, to make explicit what was implicit in the 14th, Amendment, that persons cannot be denied the right to serve on juries because of their race; and second, to prevent racial exclusions from juries by providing criminal penalties for persons violating the statutory command.

Evidence for Special Committee to recommend Impeachment
( continued )

Included are the captions of petitions sent & filed in Court to U.S. Attorney
General Eric Holder who also must be impeached for failing to enforce Federal
Law which is also his duty & refused to withdraw not by enforcing Federal Law.
View those petitions on blog previously also & Eric Holder must be impeached
from office because if there is no integrity coming from the head of the Department of Justice it is no wonder these other officials are corrupt & thought
they would not be held accountable.

Impeached also, must be Raymond Hulser who heads the Public Integrity Section of the FBI. He fails at his duty to enforce federal law.
The Public Integrity Section (PIN) oversees the federal effort to combat corruption through the prosecution of elected and appointed public officials at all levels of government. After being petitioned to enforce federal, he also refused & chose to aid Judge Kiely from justice. He's supposed to fight corruption so since he has turned a deaf ear he must be impeached from office so that the Integrity is upheld.

The Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller, Attorney Betsy Isenberg, &
Donald Banta must be impeached for refusing to withdraw as representatives & indict & arrest David Kiely of the crime who did so after refusing to withdraw but chose to aid & assist Judge Kiely from justice.
Captions allowing them to withdraw by enforcing the law are submitted as evidence they refused & chose to aid & abet Judge Kiely from justice & therefore should be impeached from office. THE MOTIONS WILL SHOW THEY WERE GIVEN OPPORTUNITY TO DO THE RIGHT THING OR FACE IMPEACHMENT SO THEY HAVE CHOSEN THEY'RE OWN FATE.


Also facing impeachment are Judge Ferguson, Vanderburgh Superior Court, Juvenile Division & Prosecuting Attorney M.F. Keppler. They're abuse of power threatening the right to freedom as a tactic used on Blacks for years to force submission & give up on the Constitutions Checks & Balances. Records will show this is the second time my freedom has been threatened when I am paying child support. There is only the ulterior motive to make me a political prisoner. The use of power cannot be used in this manner when our Constitution guarantees the right to freedom & justice. This is a position I am not to be put into so that my voice is silenced & unable to speak before the Senate & House concerning corruption throughout the Judicial Branch of government.

Corruption in the U.S. Supreme Court

Finally, submitted is the petition in the U.S. Supreme Court addressed to former Justices, Sandra Day O' Connor & John Paul Stevens in the form of a Habeas Corpus. The U.S. Supreme Court denied the Habeas Corpus & left me, Jesha Miller, illegally imprisoned. A FEDERAL JUDGE, when addressed by habeas Corpus must check the records & if found to be true, immediately release the petitioner from the illegal restraint. The motive for corruption was to
cover-up the Federal Crime pursuant to Title 18, sec. 243 committed by David Kiely & deny 10 million dollars for the illegal restraint upon my release.
Writ of Certiorari, No 04-7377 submitted has U.S. Supreme Court stamp on it proving it is authentic.


Petitioner is a Veteran of the Viet-nam Era, serving to protect our right to
freedom in the U.S. Air force & a Journeyman Machinist. Petitioner is on
unemployment & needs to pay rent, has dental problems that need immediate attention & other medical needs. I'm requesting advance on money because be it not for government using this stall tactic I would already have 10 million for the illegal imprisonment by the Constitutions operation of the checks & balances. I was specifically held in violation of
Constitutional Law # 250.2 (4) which provides: Every Black Man has a right under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution U.S.C.A., that in the selection of jurors to pass on his life, liberty, or property, there shall be no exclusion of his race & no discrimination against them because of their color. Virginia v. Rives 100 U.S. 313.
The transcripts prove my race was excluded violating the 14th, Amendment so I could not loose the case & would have been awarded the 10 million dollars for illegal imprisonment. This must go to a vote by the House & will get the 2/3 vote because it is government violating the 5th, & 14th, Amendments & refusing to make good on the guaranteed rights protected by the Bill of Rights. The most devastating corruption of the Century by the entire Judicial Branch of government, still displaying racism by refusing to make good on the guaranteed rights, committing a crime to take our freedom pursuant to Title 18, sec. 242, 243 ,& 245, & covering this up so that the evils done would go unaccountable.
I need money to be mobile so that I can further assist in the investigation by being in Washington & pay rent & take care of my health. The transcripts
proving the crime pursuant to Title 18, sec. 243 justifies this advance as I should suffer no more due to an economic inconvenience. I again request 2 million dollars in advance so that I am in Washington to speak to the House & the Senate concerning the Checks & Balances & must I not forget so that I may pay off bill owed. This is of immediate concern because I face political
imprisonment February 7, 2011.



DATE: January 5, 2011

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